Monday, August 17, 2009

Diet of the Masters

Features: Its body weight One who exceeds normal people body weight and not same PD its body by it self
Way: to emaciate body in a way that healthy

1. Kalo you usually eat 3 times one day, try eat food with slimmer portion about/around 5-6 multiply one day.

2. Avoid fatty food many like chocolate, cake, cream ice, or “junk food”.

3. Don't ever hunger. Exactly kalo you hunger, your metabolism become go down, you will feel cape and opposite/also more next laper.

4. Eat more fruit and vegetable than dessert. try eat fruit that you like .

5. Try more select nicer food its carbohydrate (level “Glycemic Index”-low its) like red rice, Sebisa maybe, kalo already at 6 in the afternoon, don't eat that much carbohydrates its next because later that bakalan kesimpen semaleman. Free;useless also kalo noon day its you already sport makes burn your fat.

6. Don't forget make sport. Don't indisposed cuman kurangin makanan2, but that sport important correctness to help lose weight body.

7. Sleep that enough. Try wake up morning in normal hour like at 7, 8, ato 9 in the morning kalo correctness will never wakes up morning. Labour to sleep before at 12 at night because our body butuh minimum sleep 8 hour to have healthy body.

8. Kalo unusual you breakfast, try breakfast that can make your metabolism works. Breakfast even also can prevent you to eat abundant in noon its day.

9. That white Water healthyfor you. Try drink white water that many. Hindarin drinks soda any ato that much sugar-contents its.

to know furthermore order now

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